Thursday, August 23, 2012

Intermediate Perl, Second Edition

Intermediate Perl, Second Edition

Intermediate Perl, Second Edition

Randal L. Schwartz, brian d foy and Tom Phoenix, "Intermediate Perl, Second Edition"
English | ISBN: 1449393098 | 2012 | 396 pages | PDF | 9,2 MB

This work picks up right where Learning Perl leaves off. With Intermediate Perl, you’ll regulate from short scripts to much larger programs, using features that prepare Perl a general-purpose language. This meek but thorough guide introduces you to modules, involved data structures, and object-oriented programming.

Each chapter is illiberal enough to be read in straightforward an hour or two, ending with exercises to help you practice the kind of you’ve learned. If you’re free and easy with the material in Learning Perl and own the ambition to go further, Intermediate Perl choose teach you most of the inmost part Perl language concepts you need with regard to writing robust programs on any platform.

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