Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Oversampled Delta-Sigma Modulators: Analysis, Applications and Novel Topologies

Oversampled Delta-Sigma Modulators: Analysis, Applications and Novel Topologies

Oversampled Delta-Sigma Modulators: Analysis, Applications and Novel Topologies

Oversampled Delta-Sigma Modulators: Analysis, Applications and Novel Topologies
English | 2003-07-31 | ISBN: 1402074204 | 119 pages | PDF | 3.6 mb

The algebra of the quantization noise in delta-sigma modulators is not a inconsiderable task. State-of-the-art calculus methods include modelling the quantization hubbub as a uniform distributed white talk. However, it is not uncommon to observe limit cycle oscillations and tones at the output of a delta-sigma modulator. In greatest in number of the applications, these limit cycles and tones are strictly exceptionable. Such an application, for instance, is a Fractional-N PLL oftenness synthesizer, where idle tones and set bounds to cycles generated from the delta-sigma modulator forthwith appear in the synthesized RF waveform like spurious components. The relatively small regeneration bandwidth is another important limitation of delta-sigma modulators. Due to their oversampling creation, delta-sigma modulators have been used in menial frequency applications.

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